Frank Duff

Many years ago a lay faithful by name Frank Duff (7th June 1889 – 7th November 1980), founded an international association called "Legion of Mary" (Latin: Legio Mariae). Today, many souls have been saved through the many acts of heroism practice as a charism of this group, has taught by their founder.  Frank Dove has died some years ago. Nonetheless, his works are seen continuously saving souls even in our days. His examples ought to be a lesson to us all, that the work of evangelism is never subjected to either priests or religious. Rather all of us are called upon to be light and salt to the world where ever we may find ourselves.

Each morning that I am privileged to be counted among the living, I use to tell myself with a beautiful smile that there is a might call on me to do something better in bringing hope and courage to the despair. Thus, the life of Frank Dove ought to repeatedly puss us to ask ourselves the question:  If I die today, what act of being will I leave to the Church and the world at large; in order to make it better place?

Life is a special gift from God. Every time you wake up from sleep know therefore that it is a new chance given by God to us to do better in making the world more peaceful and loving.
Each morning is a call to use our; tongues for blessings, hands for handwork, kneels for prayers, eyes for genuine discovery, minds for good thinking, smiles for bringing optimism, hearts for harmony, presence for encouragement, laughter for reconciliation, bodies for preaching, deeds for homily, walks for evangelism.

Our alarm clocks are never the substantial driven force that made us able to witness this day. It’s absolutely the grace of God and no doubt about it. We may never understand that each morning we wake up from sleep, is another opportunity from God; until we are either candidates of obituary or tenants in cemetery. And that could have been too late.

The past is a ghost, the future is a dream; all we ever have is now. Hence, a continuously affirm the fact that the gift of life is a call to action. It is a call to us all to do our part to spread God’s kingdom on earth. Obviously, you and I can’t change the whole world in totality. But we can change a part of it. Frank Dove’s legacy ought to teach us that it is a gradual drop of water that can make a ship sink into the sea. 

Hence, know that each morning is a moment of new hope. Each morning is a time of new life. Each morning is a chance to begin again. Yesterday’s morning is past and over. Today’s morning has begun and lies ahead. It is God’s gift to us. What we do with it is our gift to God.

You and I have been given new life. We have been given new hope. We have been given a chance to start over again. If we are looking for each day’s resolution, we might do no better than to be salt and light to the entire world just like Frank Dove. Know therefore that those who died yesterday had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning had plans. You are alive today for a reason. And that reason is to make the world a better place by our compassion, love/charity, forgiveness etc…..

By: Ibrahim Ujulu Medugu
