Readings: Gen 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16.

Christian marriage is also known has “Holy Matrimony”. Holy matrimony in Christendom is not just an event of socio-cultural or an anthropological occurrence. It goes beyond pedagogical approaches. According to “matrimonii sacramentum”, a section of “Unitatis redintegratio” in one of the constitutions of the Catholic Church (Vatican II): “The sacrament of matrimony was established by Christ as a symbol of his own union with the Church, to give full scope to its sacred power and to enable it truly to become for husband and wife a great mystery”. This has been also affirmed by St Paul in his letter to the Ephesians 5:32 and also in the book of Genesis 2:18-24.  

The content of the gospel of Mark 2-12 throws more heavenly elucidation on the above: That a man alone is not complete. As such God said; “it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him’” (Gen 2:18). Thus, a man (husband) only becomes complete when he is joined in mutual love with a woman (wife). And the bond that joins them must be beyond physical appearances and that of material possessions. What must unite them ought to be agape love, and agape love is a selfless love. It is a love that is not just about emotivism, in Holy Matrimony it is more than that. It is a lifelong decision to stick it out together through thick and thin, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death.

The above points must be borne in our minds always whenever we discuss the holy institution called marriage. Our Blessed Lord Jesus has already called our attention to the original plan of the divine law about marriage: The book of Genesis Gen 2:18-24 shows the institution, purpose and the intention of God on marriage. God our father instituted it, for the purpose of companionship between a man and a woman and His intention was monogamy for this institution.

Unfortunately, down the ages the world in deed has witness events on overthrow of this divine law by human beings. Every day we hear cases of divorce and abuses against the sanctity of holy matrimony. All these are contrary to the divine law. Today, besides divorce and abuses in marriage, human beings have now remedied in the quest of ‘partners’ in the same-sex and in animals. This is deceitful and ungodly.  We have turned down the divine purpose of holy matrimony into Satanism. Instead of a MAN to a WOMAN, some of us have preferred it to be a MAN to a MAN, or a WOMAN to a WOMAN, or WOMAN to a DOG or MAN to a doll, etc. The above beyond reasonable doubts is ungodly and sinful.

Nonetheless, among the Ancient Israelites, the notion of divorce in Holy Matrimony was never among their religious tenet. This was so for them because Moses allowed them to divorce for something official, although it was originally just a spontaneous compromise. This we must put in mind also; that it intended only to suit just a particular circumstance and never to be a “Divine Law”.

This we see when our Blessed Lord made it clear in the Gospel of Mk 10:2-16. Jesus had made it clear in connection to the “Divine Law”, that what had been created two has no more become two due to the efficacy of the sacrament of the holy matrimony; but “one body”, always in harmony and never in opposition.

In holy matrimony therefore, couples must give themselves totally has they are to each other and not has the world thinks. John F. Kennedy says: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. We too can apply it to married couples: “Ask not what the other partner can do for you, but what you can do for your partner”. Only when this attitude is changed, can decisions be made more wisely and divinely. Married couples must work with an altruistic frame of mind. They should consider first what is best for them has a whole (family), no matter how it may affect one’s personal interests. When decisions on marital disputes are to be taken, it must be carefully followed. It must be tactfully guide by keeping the right direction so that the decisions arrived at will be constructive and divinely objective.

By so doing, Christian couples will be able to get over the disagreements among themselves and continue to find a harmonious relationship with each other. By so doing Christian marriage has it has always been will continue to be an outstanding example to many other sects on the rages of divorce.

In holy matrimony, no matter how tough a marital issue may be; the Church down the ages and up-to-date has never preached “DIVORCE”. The Church has continued to advocate mutual understanding and forgiveness. This we have seen even when King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife, yet the Church stood strong in obeying the “Divine Law” rather than the selfish desires of men.

Marriage couples are been catechized today to live in good relationship in spite of any disagreements which may appear to be odious or nasty. This brings to mind about the high rate of divorce even among Christians in the recent times.  Our Blessed Lord Jesus has made it clear that what God has join in Holy Matrimony, nothing should put asunder.

The more important the consequences of a decision, the more important it is to involve the people concerned in the decision. The pros and cons of disputes among married couples should be written down among themselves and solutions are to be consulted accordingly. Where there are disputes, married couples must try to clarify what they need to do in order to help them has a team. This hence amidst the disputes among married couples, there are essential question they ought to be asking themselves: Who are we? Where are we? What are the limits within which we must work? What and who brought us together? What actually is our problem? What is the source of our disputes? What do we need to do to carry out a good decision on disputes? Who will do what, when, where and how? How can we resolve the issue? How sensitive and responsive are we to the feelings of others? What suggestion, or combination of suggestions, can we choose from third party if necessary? Until married couples recognize its actual present situation by gathering the above data about their disputes, any attempt to suggest a goal or some goals is premature.

Unity, commitment and energy grow strikingly in a family when there are clear objective goals which all believe in. Very often when a family complains of diversion, the root of the problem is an unspoken disagreement on goals. Thus, from time to time married couples ought to stop, make a progress report: Where are we now? Where are we in the progress of settling all the problems? And are we going in the right direction? How far have we getting it? Do we need to change our goals or our procedures? Many married couples have failed to reach its goals because it assumed that either of the two parties knows what is happening when actually confusion reigned.

If marital disputes are spotted early, efforts should be made to eliminate it. It is important that married couples should approach disputes thoroughly in advance so that a far-sighted decision can be made. Married couples must be aware that the dangers posed by the breakdown of marriage are really hazardous to them has individuals, their children, families and the world at large. The Church in no way has ever encouraged abuses in holy matrimony; therefore we all are called upon to journey with those who are passing through difficulties in their marriage. Marriage should be seen as a gift from God to two imperfect beings who live together to perfect one another, accepting one another with their vulnerabilities is the key. We therefore ought to pray for them, we ought to encourage them to be more forgiving, tolerable, patient and above all prayerful. More so, we should counsel and advice them godly, that is when necessary.

This notwithstanding, a diocesan marriage tribunal can grant the right of separation any couple for stipulated number of years or even permanently. In some cases of proven incompatibility, the Church has to declare it null and void and dissolve the marriage contract if all means of reconciliation had proved abortive beyond reasonable doubts.

More so, if the decision which was taken by the couples themselves happens not to be working effectively, it is important to change another at the second go and so on until a better approach has clicked. Many married couples have made the wrong decisions because they do not understand the problem of their marital disputes essentially.  Married couples must first organize the facts before they get into any decision. The more complicated the issue, the more time and effort should be spent in collecting all the related strategies. Studying the reasons for marital disputes often provides the key to mutual forgiveness and reconstruction.

Nonetheless, if married couples are to function healthily for a long effective time, it is important that there be a regular feedback within it. It is very important for each couple to receive information about the other spouse has reacted to the other behaviors in a particular time and space. We can profit from feedback if we listen carefully to the feelings expressed and do not try to defend your behaviors or give reason about why you acted in a particular manner. If you keep on giving reasons and justifications for your behaviors; you will run the danger of freezing all feedback in the future. Moreover, it is vital that an atmosphere of trust and mutual appreciation be established when feedback is given.
By: Ibrahim Ujulu Medugu.

PRAYER: Today we pray especially for married couples in disputes and chaos; that may they learn from the example of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. That admits their disputes, may the Holy Spirit advocate their circumstances in mutual forgiveness and love through Christ our Lord. Amen
