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Many said it was because they were born Catholics. Some said it was because they like the Catholic Church and feel comfortable in it. Others said they just like Catholicism while a few gave a glimmer of hope that they indeed know why they are Catholics.
If you are Catholic because you were born into it then you could as well be a Muslim if you were raised in Saudi Arabia or Senegal. If you are Catholic because you are comfortable in the Church then you could as well be a Hindu because Hindus too are comfortable in their temples. If you are Catholic because you just like Catholicism then again, you could as well be an idol worshipper because our fore-fathers didn't only like idolatry, they got quick answers.
Why you are Catholic must never be because you were born into or feel comfortable in the Church or because you just like the Catholic Church. You must be Catholic because Catholicism is true and what makes something true is independent of genetic or personal preference, it is simply true.
Therefore, when we are asked why we are Catholics we must bear in mind that the question asks more than it says. In fact, the question is not so much about why you are Catholic but whether the Catholic Church is the true Church since no rational animal would willingly belong to a false Church. In answering this question then, we are faced with the difficult task of explaining, defending and sharing the facts that make Catholisim true in the way St. Peter has taught us to be ready to give an account for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15).
